Agregaty Hydrauliczne HPU (Hydraulic Power Unit)

Containerised Hydraulic Power Units (HPU)

Since 2007 Biuro Handlowe Ruda have manufactured few models of Hydraulic Power Units (HPU) for the oil and gas drilling rigs, including both on– and offshore units.
The HPU may be either diesel or electrically driven, providing hydraulic power for drilling rigs. The HPUs are built-in tailor – made containers equipped with standard mounting points facilitating transportation to the worksite.

They are specifically adapted to individual customer needs regarding installed power, parameters of the hydraulic system, control system, anti-corrosive protection, environmental conditions, etc.
The Hydraulic Power Units that have been made till now were adapted for both subarctic and dessert conditions, being at the same time negative temperature and sand-storm resistant. Such weather-proof units are easily transferrable to different climate zones.

Contact with the sales department:

Stanisław Zając
+48 601 888 415


Krzysztof Rudnikowicz
+48 601 888 417


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